My son went through a lot of this and it turned out to be anxiety related. Really take a look at her life. Is there anything funny going on at home? Even the tiniest thing can upset a child and we don't even realize it. Is it a nice, loving environment where she gets more than her share of attention from mom and dad? Is there a lot of structure in her day? If not, try that. Same time up, same breakfast, same snack time, same bedtime routine, etc. They need to know exactly what to expect to feel in control of their lives. On that note, give her lots of extra control right now. What to wear, what to eat, where your family is going out to eat. That will help her feel like her opinion is valued by the grown-ups. Be rigid about the schedule; if they aren't already in a schedule, it's hard to get things going but once you have it, it's hard to break the habit. Kids like to know what to expect. Are people rushing her? Could she feel unsafe or unsecure at her daycare (for whatever reason)? I'm not sure she needs a psychiatrist yet. Kids can be very quirky (and not all of them). My oldest has suffered from a lot of this but my youngest hasn't. They have been raised by the same two people, the same way. :) Lastly, lay off of the punishments for now. Just try it out. It's going to be hard; when she screams at someone, for example, it's hard to let that go. You probably feel as if you can't get a child get away with such a thing. However, punishing left and right is only going to cause more anxiety. Try empathy for a little while. Take her aside, hold her and try to get her talking. Tell her she is loved and you can tell she's feeling bad inside right now. Really, just resist the punishments for a little while. If you really must punish, take her to a quiet place but stay with her. Don't isolate, take things away, etc. This works for many kids but not an anxiety ridden child. If she's throwing a massive tantrum, just sit there quietly until she's pooped out and can cry no more. Don't allow her to feel alone. She's probably going to be okay but if things end up a little to crazy in time, seek counseling.