I have an early to bed daughter and a night owl, like me! It makes things interesting at our house! First make a ritual each evening and prepare like crazy for the a.m.
Some reading that really helped was Sink Reflections by Marla Ciley (spelling?) She also has a Web site called flylady.com. The big message is taking the chaos out of your life and mornings can really be chaos and stressful.
I notice that when I lie down with my night owl, read a book, prayers and then lights off, she really can get to sleep early, and I have a de-stressing moment of being with her, in the dark, just relaxing. It is good for both of us.
Know that this is most likely a phase. However, I have come to the conclusion that sleep patterns are somewhat part of our personality. I come alive when the rest of the world is winding down and I get my second wind and creativity hits.
Night Time Parenting by Dr Sears is great, although I do not remember how old it goes to. Ask Dr Sears Web site is exceptional. Google it and see what is helpful from it,
Good luck!