Well well well...I am not alone. I have been a stay-home-mother for the last 3 1/2 years with two beautiful babies that utterly exhaust me. I went back to work in October and my kids started daycare. I have not spent one full day completely with it mentally since my son was born almost 4 years ago.
I walk around publix in a fog wondering why I am there, what I need, etc..
I spend my days at work trying to remember what I need to do both at home and at work. Since returning to work I have literally forgotten to pay all of my bills, forgot to leave the carseats at daycare so my husband can pick up the kids, forgot to mail every Christmas card, and most humiliating thus far forgot my Mother-In-Laws B-day last week. Hello can you imagine a loving adoring Grandmother not hearing the sweet sounds of her grandkids saying happy birthday, we love you. I was once a very scheduled, organized to the last small detail always on time, first to arrive last to leave, get the job done kind of person. Now I am a nitwit that has forgotten how to puncutuate and spell.
The only thing I don't forget is my kids.
I can't offer you any advice, however I can offer you understanding of being in the same boat.
Good luck