I have never participated myself but a friend of mine traded in her old jogging stroller which was fallin apart and had taped something back together. she said they gave her a $50 trade in credit! happy shopping :)
Has anyone participated? Is it as straight forward as it seems? We are thinking of going tonight... but is a 1+ drive to the nearest Babies R Us and I want to make sure it is worth it. What do I need to know? What are their standards?
Thank you!
Thanks everyone! We turned in two items, and received two 25% coupons. It was very easy and worth the drive. :)
I have never participated myself but a friend of mine traded in her old jogging stroller which was fallin apart and had taped something back together. she said they gave her a $50 trade in credit! happy shopping :)
I would highly recommend you call the store & ask for details or go online & see what the guidelines are
I did it this past spring, saved about $40 on the new car seat we got! I say it was worth it! The car seat we traded was pretty ragged, having a 3 year old in for a while nothing stays clean !
We are going to go the last day of the sale. The goodwill has a 1/2 off sale on Monday, and we're going to buy something cheap to turn in for the 25% off. I am going to buy a car seat. With the sale, we'll end up saving around 35.00.
I don't know the details yet, but like someone else suggested, going online or calling wouldn't hurt!
we were just there today and am going back with an old crappy jogging stoller tomorrow. I wanted to ask before I lugges it there. The guy said it doesnt matter what shape the used thing is, thats the whole point, bring the crappy one in and get a new one that you like. You take it to customer service and they give you a cupon that has to be used that day. I am so excited, I had a friend give me the jogging stroller two years ago and the wheel was broken, never got around to fixing, had baby # 2 and want one now so out goes the crappy and in comes the nice new one!
This is super easy with no strings attached. We brought back several things that were old and pretty dusty from the attic. It was nice to have new things with the new baby. Just look at the items they accept...stroller, pack and play carseats....it is a good deal.
Yes, I have one time and had several friends. We traded in old carseat and got a new pack n play @ 25% off. Can only use 25% off per item you buy.
I think it's worth it. We traded in our daughter's old carseat for a booster and it was super easy. The carseat was well loved, too. I think as long as all the parts are there, they don't care how clean it is.
We did it with no problem last year with a car seat. I asked what they do with all the old stuff, and they said they destroy everything so it does not get used again. I'd bet they have a deal with some government agency or something that gets all the old/unsafe stuff out of people's houses and cars. We just took it to customer service, and I believe they gave us a certificate or something saying 25% off.
I've done it twice. Yes it's a straight forward as it seems. How much your gonna save though depends on the price of the item. I mean is it worth the drive because of gas & all? You can always get those 20% coupons through the mail if it's not..