I will tell you this -my mother passed away a few years ago due to a brain tumor. When she was diagnosed, both my father and I said "She worried herself into a brain tumor." My husband initially thought I was being flippant, but I wasn't. My father and I still feel like a lifetime of extreme worry and anxiety contributed to her death.
The reason I tell you that story is that she had gotten a bit of help over the years through therapy and anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medications. She wasn't some crazy, house-bound person or anything, but even the most pleasurable things in life caused her immense worry and anxiety. Shortly before her diagnosis she told me that her first thought every morning was to worry about my two children! She loved them and me so much, but it was stressful to deal with her constant worry.
I suggest asking your husband to either seek counseling on his own or with you where you can discuss it. From what I can tell, most people who are EXTREME worriers -to the point that it disrupts relationships or their lives -have it rooted in something (usually a childhood) where they had no security or safety net. My mother grew up extremely poor with a mother who worried about EVERYTHING. While it didn't "cure" her -counseling and medication did help her. And yes, my mom was fun and enjoyed traveling and doing all sorts of things, but there was always the worry. I've come to realize since her death how crazy it drove my dad -I know it always drove me nuts too. See if he'll get some help -really -there are people who "worry" and then there are people like this -and it's a miserable way to live life or have to be with someone in life.