I am so right there with you and understand. I had lost my parents then had my daughter three days before 9/11, after that I was a wreck, made a huge financial decision I wasn't going back to work for fear something would happen. I would nurse her at night hearing the military jets flying over and be in tears. I was in a panic about carrying her down the stairs and did all the "what ifs". I couldn't leave her for even a night out until she was 6 mos old and even then called like four times. We moms get this instinct and it is over powering it. The difference is you have to understand the fine line between the irrational anxiety and reality. Hard line to figure out. I had lost my parents suddenly years before my daughter was born so I had this irrational fear of not being able to know when something bad was going to happen. Then I realized that my fear was consuming me, making me a less then productive mommy. I decided to get my daughter out and we did fun things together, I wasn't afraid to drive with her on the highway anymore, I quit watching 20/20, Dateline and even the news for a while, I then started leaving her with her dad for a few hours at a time to get out. When I realized that my worries took control and bottom line we don't have control over when things happen, then I started really relaxing. When I relaxed more then I saw everyone around me respond. When I had my son I was so completely laid back. My irrational fears had subsided, I put my trust in God and just did what a good mom does and realize only to worry about what is in my control. Worrying is fine, it is part of mommyhood, when your mind goes off kilter you either need to regroup, talk to someone or even consider getting on medication to relieve your anxiety. Babies feel anxiety. It can be hard on your other relationships as well. What if is a powerful statement, but in that same regard "what if nothing happens and I have wasted all this energy on worrying"...enjoy life, realize you are blessed, thank God for every day you have and put some faith in God. You cannot control everything, worrying never got anyone ahead and just try and not be so hard on yourself. Take a deep breath. We all worry, just do it so it isn't being counter productive in your life. I can say my kids are 3 1/2 and 6 now I am on mommy duty 24/7 and though I love to get a break now and again, for the most part I love being the one here for them and knowing they are safe and okay. However, I realize too that my necessity to stay home right now is more because of daycare costs and I am going to be excited to have some of my life back again in a year. I even still walk my daughter to her classroom, WE LIVE RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from the school!! :) I could watch her walk but prefer to walk her myself. Some of the worrying is normal..