We just had a "bee ball" removed from a tree in our yard, basically a queen landed on a branch and all her drones followed resulting in a swarm of bees all congregated on a branch. Think of a basketball of buzzing, squirming bees. Our exterminators came out, sprayed, killed them, discovered they were just starting to lay wax on the branch to start a hive and that was it. He warned us we may see bees for a day or two and we did see a few in the general area, but not very many more than we'd normally see on a pollen ridden tree, and then that was it. Is the hive still there or has it been removed? If it's still there, I'd call the city first thing in the morning and tell them about the disappearing exterminator and the hive still being there. Tell them you and your children have been stung and you expect it to be removed immediatly. If the hive is gone, but the bees are still there, still call the city, but let them know you're still having a bee issue and ask them to send the exterminator again. Exagerating the number of times you and your children have been stung might light a fire under them too. Good luck!