When my little one was teething, she wanted nothing to do with anyone but me! It was so annoying. It'll pass. In the meantime, just try to keep him comfortable.
Hi. I'm so frustrated right now. My 16 month old son is very close to my mom, his Grammie. The past week, he has been soooooo whinny, crabby, throwing fits, and not being nice to Grammie. He cries if she holds him, doesn't smile when she comes to see him, and doesn't kiss her. It's only been going on for a week, but it's getting old already. He thinks discipline is funny and he is just not his normal self. Nothing happened recently that would cause a behavior change. It's just a mess this week! I have called his doctor just to get advice, but thought I could get some mom opinions. I suspect he is going through a growth spirt and I know he has 4 teeth coming in. Any ideas ladies????????
I can't thank you all enough for your advice. I don't feel so upset about it anymore. I am confident this will pass. He only wants me to hold him right now, so I guess it's just mommy time for this week. Thanks again!
When my little one was teething, she wanted nothing to do with anyone but me! It was so annoying. It'll pass. In the meantime, just try to keep him comfortable.
This is just a phase. It happens sometimes where the child will be like this one of their own parents.
They can become very clingy for no reason they can express. Do NOT force your child to kiss, hug, or be held by your mom if he does not want.. I promise it will pass..
I agree could be teething, may be an ear ache coming up, does not feel well or just feeling like he only wants mom..
I experienced this with each of my children at about the same age. It would start with leaving them with their grandparents for overnight. I am a stay at home mom, and my children are with me 24/7 till they start school. We visit their grandparents regularly (at least once a week, usually Sunday afternoon). On our wedding anniversary, we would leave them overnight with the grandparents. They would do fine while we were gone, but I would notice that they would not have anything to do with the grandparents for the next couple weeks. Probably a fear of being left with them again, not sure. This would hurt the feelings of the grandparents, but they were understanding. After a few weeks all would be well again.
Don't worry, and don't let Grammie worry. Babies do this. Next week or in a few weeks it'll be different. Teeth are nasty (when they're coming in), and make for bad moods. But this will pass. Clinginess is nothing unusual. My older grandchildren like me now, but there was a time with each girl when she would have nothing to do with me. And I'm a nice gran! It's time to hang on to a sense of humor and let some time pass.
Teething can be a crazy thing. When babies are down they only want mom. My little one worships her older sister, mean like you wouldn't believe if she is ever hurt. Like all stages it seems like they will never go away, but they do. My daughter at one point laughed at me if I gave her a little pop on the bottom, cried the morning because, I wasn't happy when I was cleaning up the her pee on the bathroom floor. She is 2 1/2. I had handled it well, telling her it was okay, next time I will sing while cleaning up pee . At the stage she laughed at me when disciplined, I thought I had a narcissists on my hands. Let him know it isn't okay to treat Grammie that way. Grammie needs to let him know she will not be treated that way. It isn't okay, just because you are hurt, sad, or tired to be mean to others. I will say snap out of that bad mood. Your son is a baby,but he isn't too young to start to learn. He is just starting to figure out his feelings. Go through the basics hungry, tired, hurt. Fix any thing on the list they are normally back to themselves. You can't fix the hurt until his teething is done. After the tooth is through then really work on the Grammie and son relationship. If it hasn't fix it's self.
Teething time sucks! I have four children and when they were getting their molars (which is what I suspect is starting to happen) they wouldn't let anyone near them except me to nurse them and then they would bite me! Hyland's has a homeopathic teething tablet that worked also freezing green onions and letting him chew on it helps if he will take it. As far as discipline imagine your molars slowly getting pushed through your inflamed gums, i'm sure you wouldn't be the best behaved either.
When my daughter was almost two yrs old, she wouldn't give me kisses or hugs for about a month, only daddy. Needless to say, I was hurt (and pissed off, I mean who did EVERYTHING for her). Anyway, this too shall pass........
Hi, I'm sorry to hear the baby is not being him self...I definitely think something is not right...something must have caused the baby to be in such discomfort with your mom? Could it have been that she maybe was upset at him for something he did? Or maybe even spanked him? I think children know when something is wrong and sometimes its really hard for baby's tell us,what is wrong...they will definitely reach out to you in a way to gasp your attention.
Only you know your child. :)
Good luck with everything!!!
its normal:) they go back and forth pretty much until they are 4 finding favorites in the family...the hardest part is explaining to the adults to not take it personal- because they tend too:(
Hang in there!