Do you have some mixed feelings about it? Talk to your daughter's pediatrician about it. Most pediatricians will recommend that you break the habit, but as always it's up to you. Letting her cry it out is not going to be detrimental to your child's health unless there is a need. Make sure she is not wet, soiled, gassy, running a temperature, teething, you know the normal stuff. You can also check to make sure her room is comfortable. Some babies need the familiar to feel safe. Is there a routine you use before bedtime, if not start one. Some babies like white noise, others need complete quiet. Make sure your baby is in the environment she is most comfortable in. If you're not sure how she likes to sleep, then experiment. Try a small water fountain for white noise, small fan, or soothing sounds on a tape/cd. My daughter likes to stay up right now, and I have to force her to sleep. Sure she cries, but only for a little while. It's more detrimental for her health if she doesn't get enough rest, or learn proper disciple for her future. I can't just let her stay up and play. And, I doubt you'd want to keep giving you're daughter bottles until she falls asleep. It's a shame, but it doesn't work as they grow up. They just have to learn how to go to sleep. My pediatrician I think said, "Babies need to be taught, that night time is for sleeping."