This is B. (deaffmommie) on the lists. My son and daughter did the same thing with the foods they would eat at this age.
1) don't sweat the small stuff. From the list you described your son sounds like he is getting PLENTY of food and if he eats it GREAT! If not no big deal...
2) Pick you battles. Is this "food battle" a do or die thing with you? If it is, it's one war you can loose.
3) Offer new foods along with the familiar.
What I did with my kids was offer two bites and if it was refused, I tried a few days later. To me, healthy eating habits are encouraged, but not forced.
4) One thing my 1st pediatrian told me when my son was a newborn, toddlers won't intentianally starve themselves. If food is offered they will either eat enough to be satified or they will try again later.
5) personally I would continue to ofter him his snacks, since toddlers have tiny tummies, they need smaller amounts of food at a time.
Last Let this go. It's not worth you being so upset all the time and having your son hate food as a result of it.
Am aside: My nephew grew up eating basically EVERYTHING. Mike stopped eating alomost everything except cheese, milk, crackers, and fruits.
this continued until the present time. My sister is working with his still to get him to try new foods (to him). Pasta, any veggie, and most meats.
Mike has continued to gain weight and grow. a rescent development is he now likes and EATS most meats. Still loves his fruits and breads, but is working on the veggies.
I wouldn't insist he eat something he doesn't care too much for at this stage... it will pass. (Hopefully).
With the not talking. Have you had his hearing checked? He may have a blockage or hearing loss and can't talk.
My daughter had a LOT of waxy build up in her ears and many ear infections (she was a day care kid) and did not talk beyond the word limit your son has... She went thru the Babies Can't Wait program for speech therapy.
Hope this helps,