A Question About Holidays and Which Ones Your State/schools Observe
Updated on
February 20, 2013
asks from
Oklahoma City, OK
I just saw a fb post where someone was commenting that the local news station was saying that all Oklahoma schools were closed today in observance of Presidents Day. So several ladies started commenting back and forth about how that channel had it wrong and all schools didn't close today.
I am sort of offended and am trying to figure this out. Why would our schools close for some federal holidays and not others. Each of the schools that they mentioned being open today were each closed on MLK Day in January and closed another day this month for a snow day. Why not plan Presidents Day out of school and take the snow day off the calendar for February? It could be any other day of the year.
Why would some school systems choose to not honor our founding fathers and the office of the president. I don't feel it has the same status it once had but it is still a day that honors their position.
Washington helped this country write laws and helped our country to gain independence from a country they didn't want to be part of any more. Lincoln changed laws to give rights to slaves, to make that problem up front and important. Some states have different days they designate as presidents day and they honor the presidents that came from their state, it's a state holiday but not a federal one.
Do you think that Presidents Day, the official USA Federal holiday in February is one that should be observed by the schools? By ALL states and federal agency's? Is it one of those days that really have no importance? Why? They each were voted into office and they each gave to our country.
I am torn, I am not a prejudiced person. I believe that each person alive has the same rights as anyone else. I have a great deal of respect for Martin Luther King and appreciate that he gets a holiday remembering his efforts and sacrifices. He made the world a better place but is HE more deserving of a legal federal holiday than our presidents?
I also have a great deal of respect for Native American leaders like Standing Bear who stood before the law makers. He raised his hand and said "That hand is not the color of yours, but if I prick it, the blood will flow, and I shall feel pain...The blood is of the same color as yours. God made me, and I am a man.". He made the standing of hundreds of thousands of people to be that of a human being and not less. "On May 12, 1879, Judge Elmer S. Dundy ruled that "an Indian is a person" within the meaning of habeas corpus". Notes are from Wikipedia.
Why not have a legal holiday for him too? If all the people are equal and those that sacrificed to give other human beings rights then shouldn't they have a holiday named after them too?
This is why I don't understand it and sort of on a soap box. Why and how does a school system or state/federal business pick one federal holiday and observe it and pick another state/federal holiday and not observe it. Are they saying that our presidents are less important to our country that this or that individual who did make massive changes in our treatment of people who were being discriminated against? Why pick an individual and not all the others that have sacrificed and given their lives for their own people too?
And yes, kids need to be in school BUT they have legal holidays built into their calendars year by year. Why should a school system just decide to be open on a legal federal holiday. What if some schools decided to be open on Christmas, they decided it was a religious holiday and had no place in the school system, or they cut out being off for Thanksgiving? OR some other day that the schools are generally out? Or that New Years is just a day for the drunks to sober up from their partying, that nothing should be closed those days?
There are only 11 Federal Holidays that I can think of.
New Years
Martin Luther King Day
Inauguration Day, every 4 years anyway
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Why would some state or federal agency's/schools choose to not observe them all like they are supposed to?
When I was growing up, we actually got 2 days off in February, the 12th for Lincoln's birthday and the 22nd for Washington's birthday. Anybody else that old?
Around here, all the schools got MLK day off. But not all are closed for President's day. My nieces in SoCal get Caesar Chavez day off but not President's day.
Maybe it's time to have one big ol' "Special Person You Want to Celebrate" Day. At least then we'd all know which day to stay home.
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answers from
New York
Inauguration Day is not a Federal holiday nor is Easter.
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For some the timing is inconvenient. At our school they did observe Presidents Day but I know that some of the teachers were frustrated because they also have testing this week and they were wishing for one more day to finish covering certain topics. Add the three day weekend to the fact that last week was Valentine's Day and I think that a lot of teachers were feeling a crunch to get ready for that testing. And the testing is far more mandatory than the holiday schedule.
And honestly, while a three day weekend is nice every once in a while, I would rather my kids have fewer days off from school and let them start school later in August or get out earlier at the end of the school year. Federal holidays have never been mandatory for anyone other than government employees. My husband's company does not get a holiday for MLK Day. He does however get off for President's Day. And Walgreens is owned by someone who does not have a Christian background--Walgreens is OPEN on CHRISTMAS DAY. Most colleges that I know of do not get off for any federal holidays other than the big breaks at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
And really, how does it honor MLK or President Lincoln or President Washington to have a day off from school? Most people that I know who have that day off spend it goofing off. Wouldn't it make more sense for our kids to be in school LEARNING about those people and finding out exactly why they should be honored?
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answers from
San Francisco
We get Friday AND Monday off for President's Day weekend, always have.
And just because a day is recognized as a federal holiday doesn't mean every school, business or other organization is required to observe it. Actually, mandatory closures dictated by the federal government sounds a little heavy handed to me, I'm glad they DON'T do it.
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answers from
I don't know what the dates for some of those are but I know was have Labor day, MLK and Presidents day off here. I know they spread the holidays evenly or try to so the kids won't get burned out. I know some holidays are close together.
Thanksgiving break is a week and Christmas/new years is two weeks.
The kids start school in the first week of Aug. And finish before the last week of May.
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Ok really? We are going to sit at our computers and complain because some states have some days off and some school districts in some states have other days off and should we honor some people over others? Do we REALLY HONOR anyone by taking a day off work or school? I am not saying I don't enjoy my days off, but do I make a point to take time out of my day to HONOR Washington or Lincoln or anyone else for hwom I get to have a day off? I am betting the majority of people in this country do not. I am sure some of you do have cherry pie or some other thing like that, but REALLY? Find something else to be offended about!
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answers from
Washington DC
I agree, things sure have changed since we were in school. Schools around here do still close for MLK Day and Presidents' Day. However, they have replaced Columbus Day and Veterans' Day with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur instead. Am interested to hear others' replies.
(Edit: to Nancy W. - Lol at your brilliant idea.)
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answers from
Here in my State, the public schools observe and have holidays for the National holidays.
We also, have holidays which are, unique to our specific State, culturally.
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answers from
Kansas City
We are in KS and get Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, MLK, and President's Day. I do think it is wrong that most districts have dropped everything but MLK.
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We get Labor Day, the entire week of Thanksgiving, MLK and President's Day, and of course a week at spring break. Our school is parochial, so we also get a couple of extra days at Christmas (about 2 weeks total) as well as Good Friday and Easter Monday.
We have about 2 teacher workdays per semester, and a handful of early dismissal days that are usually before holiday weekends.
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answers from
when i was in school in Arizona MLK day wasnt observed in schools, that has since changed i think.
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answers from
San Francisco
My guess is that those decisions are made based on pressure from the local community.
Our school district takes the *whole week* off for president's day while only taking thursday/friday for thanksgiving. (and no, this isn't spring break, that'll happen in April) I find this seriously irritating since all out family is a plane ride away and I can't justify the outrageous cost of a flight at thanksgiving for so short a visit. Also, my DH often has the week of thanksgiving off so he could have taken care of our son. Instead we had to find and shell out $ for childcare this week. (grumble...) steps off soapbox..
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I actually appreciate the value of the MLK holiday. Although it is important to recognize great presidents and their impact, MLK had a distinctly modern message as well--people together have power--and I think that is especially important for our children to learn. Not everyone will be president, but regular people working together in our communities can have an impact. Also, people (in our community at least) celebrate MLK day in a very meaningful way by engaging in a day of service to honor Dr. King's vision and legacy. I do believe that it is a national thing too, but I'm not sure. Although there are so many people whose legacies are worth celebrating, Dr. King's message of peace and activism are just particularly relevant in my opinion. I do think it is great though that different communities can choose to honor the events and people who are meaningful to them.
BTW, our community (Mobile) also has holidays for Mardi Gras--used to be a full week, but legally our summers have to be longer in AL now, so the kids got 2 days this year. ;-)
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There are 11 Federal holidays, but Easter isn't one of them. You're missing Washington's Birthday. Patty is incorrect about Inauguration Day, that is also a national holiday. It happened to coincide with MLK day this year.
I'm in central Wisconsin. The school year doesn't start until after Labor day, so I didn't count that or July 4 as being "off". Our schools are closed on:
New Years, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
This year was a bit unusual, as they had MLK/Inaugeration day and President's Day off. That was not because of the holidays but because it just worked out for teacher prep and parent-teacher conferences.
Schools are not Federal institutions and are not required to observe Federal holidays at all, so there is no "supposed to" in this case.