No, we don't have a large Jewish population here. But the kids do get off for the first day of Buck Season in Pennsylvania :D
Many public school districts in our area (but not ours, sigh) are closed today to acknowledge the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah.
How 'bout yours?
Yes, Happy New Year! :)
No, we don't have a large Jewish population here. But the kids do get off for the first day of Buck Season in Pennsylvania :D
Nope my son is in school. I haven't heard of schools closed for Rosh Hashanah, but then again when I was in high school AZ schools didn't close for Martin Luther King Day.
Really? My kids left this morning at 8:10 and are due to come in any second so they better have had school today! =)
Our school is open but "Shalom" everyone!
Yes, I'm off of work and the kids off of school in our district, and it was that way when I grew up in NYC too. The areas surrounding NYC have a relatiively high Jewish population. I don't observe anymore, so I'm just taking advantage of the long weekend - washing/ironing all the curtains today and making a turkey later.
Enjoy the day and L'Shana Tova to my Jewish friends.
Nope, but I think we should but we don't have a very large Jewish poulation in this area.
Yup, most here in Massachusettes are closed. However, I have 3 year olds so it doen't impact our day ;)
Wow - I hadn't heard that schools closed for that. My kiddo's are in school!
Open in my area but my friends and colleagues have always just taken the day off for the Jewish Holiday.
We had school today.
We homeschool. They don't get breaks. LOL
We don't close for snow. We don't close for much of anything. Unless, of course, we want to play hooky on the first warm spring day after the thaw. We take some holidays off, like Christmas and Thanksgiving. But, no President's days, Columbus Day, MLK day, etc. We work them all year. But, we do take an awesome summer break and go on vacation as often as possible throughout the year, when we want. We can't afford to take these other days off if we want the freedom to go when we really want to.
We have school today. We don't get off for any religious holidays. No more Easter or Christmas break. It's spring and winter break. And all our school holidays are either on a Monday or Friday. I can't see ever being off Thursday and coming back to school on Friday.
Nope. School as usual. Thank God!!!
Yep. Today AND tomorrow. We live in a heavily Jewish area and so our schools pretty much give every Jewish holiday off. No complaints here - I love a day off here and there.
Most schools on Long Island were closed Thursday and Friday.
Our county is closed but the next county over from us is open. Weird.
emmy has off but her afterschool program does a field trip. She was not to happy this morning her K teacher apparently announced she would get to stay home and celebrate
No. There are very few Jewish school staff and residents in our small town, although nearby towns with a higher Jewish population are closed.
Open but my oldest is home by choice.
Yes, my daughter is at school today. Yippee!!
I have way too many things to do today without tripping over a teenager...
Closed! Central office administrators (me) are working unless we observe (not me). I work/live outside of NYC and have a pretty significant Jewish population.
Happy New Year to those who are celebrating today!
I wasn't actually sure why my daughter didn't have school today, but since you mentioned Rosh Hashanah, I'm pretty sure that's it! I took my son to the doctor today and the office we usually go to was closed for the holiday, so we had to go to one of their other offices. It's all starting to make sense. There is a large Jewish population here, so I'm guessing that's the reason. Thanks for solving that mystery! :-)
My son was born on Rosh Hashanah. I thought it was Yom Kippur, but I looked it up and I had my holidays backwards. I always tease about the reason he was born on a Jewish holiday was because he is the reincarnation of his great grandfather, who was the only Jew in our family. Back to the topic...No all our schools here never closed for any holidays other than Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Oooops....I'm not supposed to say those "dirty Christian words".... They now call them Thanksgiving, winter break, and spring break...Too me it's the same thing...Still closing on Christian holidays. Sorry if I offended anyone, "a-hum."
No school Thursday or Friday. Shana Tova!
We're off today and tomorrow. We're outside of NYC, but most schools in proximity to the city are closed.
Gloomy day - I have to figure out something to do this afternoon. Playdate tomorrow, I hope!
No school for my son here in RI. It's a good thing , too. He contacted pink eye( at least I caught it early enough), I'm sick with a cold , AND, my parents are coming to visit.When it rains it pours. :) Our school district closes for just about everything I believe. Plus all the snow days, feb/april vacations..
No school today in our district in So Calif. Not for religious reasons, though; it's a teacher something-or-other.
No, I've never heard of school closing for that!! We don't really have a Jewish population to speak of, though.
No, they do not have school and had a half day yesterday. They acknowledge most of the major Christian and Jewish holidays. We have a large Jewish population in our area, so it makes sense. When I was a kid we never got the extra days off...but our year was shorter, too.
The only one in the local district right now is our teen and she stayed at a friend's house so it doesn't really impact my day.
Yes, but Happy New Year!
We get off for MLK day and Cinco de Mayo here. :)
No day off of school for us today.
We don't even get Columbus Day anymore (they traded it for Martin Luther King Day).
I went to school in a predominately Jewish neighborhood south of Chicago. We always got Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur off, not MLK Jr's bday. In 5th grade I moved to a more ethnic neighborhood and instead of the Jewish Holidays we got Martin Luther King Jr's Bday off.
No, we do not have today off. Our public schools are actually showing the President's speech.
When I saw the tittle I thought what holiday could it be?! My son is at school, but we don't have a large Jewish population here. :-)
Nope, they are home and I am at work! =(
Delilah has preschool on Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.