I also agree with Becky, but I do have some adviced. HAve you tried ovulation testers? I used them when trying to get pregnant with my daughter and they worked first time!
My boyfriend and i have been trying for almost a year now and nothing has happen? Is there a technique out there that someone knows that does work thanks???
I also agree with Becky, but I do have some adviced. HAve you tried ovulation testers? I used them when trying to get pregnant with my daughter and they worked first time!
Maybe it's a good thing. Are you sure you want to have a baby with a boyfriend you've only known for a year? Don't rush things. You already have two children. Wait another year, be certain. If it's still right, get married, then think about another child. You still have a few good childbearing years left. :)
I know this may seem rude but a year of being together and the fact your not married to eachother I believe you shouldn't even be trying to have a child.If your not ready to marry him you shouldn't be eager to have a child.A child is for life.!!!!!!!!!
First I have to ask you were you on the birth control Depo Provera, because after using this birth control sometimes it takes women a year or more to concieve. How dare some of these women question you in regard to your reproductive decisions. H. you are in control of what goes in and out of your body, regardless of your marital status I wish you great luck...
Just because you already have two kids doesn't mean that you can't experience fertility issues. If you've been trying for this long with no results, it may be time to consult a doctor. Start with your OB/GYN and he or she can recommend the next step if what you need is beyond their level.
However, it could be that your body is trying to tell you something. This person is your boyfriend. Are you planning a long-term committed relationship with this man? If so, are you certain that your relationship will withstand the possible trials associated with infertility? Babies don't cement a commitment. My advice would be to take some time and see where this is going first before you have another baby. Otherwise, you could find yourself a single mother of THREE young children.
You also don't want your kids picking up the idea that everytime you get a new boyfriend, they will get a new sibling. Kids learn about how families should operate by watching their parents, so you have to be very careful what type of example you're setting. Even if you're deeply in love, it has to be about the three of you and whether or not this man is truly in it for the long haul. You don't want to have a baby AND let your kids get attached to a father figure only to find out that you leaped before you looked and he has a bunch of major flaws that you can't deal with.
Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.
My advice is to use ovulation predictors and see a chiropractor. I bought 25 ovulation predictors and 10 pregnancy tests off of ebay for $15.00. They really helped us conceive our son. The chiropractor does wonders for many reasons. I also recommend www.fertilityfriend.com. Have you discuss this issue with your Ob/GYN?
I guess I'm one of the few out there that doesn't believe that you MUST be married before bringing a child into the world. What the child needs is love and stability....if you can provide that then I see no reason why you have to be married first. Think of all the gay/lesbian couples out there that have adopted babies....and they aren't 'married'.
I whole heartedly agree with H. S. There are too many scary things in your request. The amount of time you have been trying and the amount of time you have been together...wow! Talk about hoping for the best and being carefree. I do also agree that just because you can make a baby doesn't mean you should. You already have two children that are young. Spend your time right now enjoying them instead. They are only this young once. I saw a show once on TV that showed a woman remembering what it was like to have another child and in her memory was a baby that when you opened up the baby's diaper the scent of roses came out. When her husband on the show remembered having a baby, his memory of opening the baby's diaper was a green wofting wind that ended up punching him in the face. I think that sometimes us women tend to see babies through "rose colored glasses". I'm just as guilty. I think that waiting it out and making sure that this man's truely annoying habits don't make you want to knock his teeth out is probably the best advice anyone can give you right now. You are young. Why rush things?
I agree with Becky too.
Has he had a semen analysis?
A friend of mine was unable to get pregnant for a couple of years, but then she started doing yoga and it worked within the month. She thinks that it was because she was getting very stressed, and the yoga helped her to relax.
Yeah. Get married. Then maybe you can have more kids?
Hello! I agree with Becky (to a point) in the sense that you need to make sure you and your boyfriend are ready before you conceive. However I do wish you luck in trying!
I have a great site that might help. I will be trying to conceive the middle/end of this year so my sister told me about a site that helps track fertility. It is basic (tracks BBT, CM, Cervical position etc) but it really is helpful. There are tips and helpful advice through out the site www.fertilityfriend.com I just started using this site this month. Hope that helps! I will be interested in reading what others say because as I said I will be trying to conceive soon as well.
I very strongly agree with Becky. Just reading the title of your request had me worried; before I even read your post. Sounds like you have enough on your plate already. Why add another child into the mix? Especially since you said "new" boyfriend. A year is hardly enough time to really get to know someone. The whole thing sounds like a disaster in the making to me. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but please, just think about it. You and your boyfriend are still in the "honeymoon" phase; you probably still think all his disgusting habits are cute, too, don't ya? Slow down Mama! If he's really The One, why rush? Life with three kids ain't easy, even with a husband. You don't want to end up a single mom of 3. It is also worrysome that you stated "trying for a year" and "been together for a year". So you've been trying from the moment you started dating? Scary.
*In response to Sherita --I agree she is the one in control; it is her life and her decision; but just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
so what is ur question exactly ur not saying what is exactly wrong...so u got twins i do i have faternal twins a boy n a girl...their 10 now....