I was on bedrest with my 1st son for the last two months of my pregnancy. I know how difficult it must be. I wasn't able to take procardia or any other medication (other health issues) except for Indocin. However, Indocin can't be taken past 28-30wks gestation so that last month was horrid for me. I felt horrible, and so wanted to just be done with that pregnancy.
I had 2 very good friends who had their babies at 32 weeks. They gave me much encouragement, and often reminded me the treatment, IV's, medication, not to mention not bringing your baby home with you, & the constant visits to the NICU would be far worse than just hanging in there a few more weeks. They said this part was devastating for them.
My son was born at 37 weeks still had to spend a week in the NICU and let me tell you I was crushed at not being able to take him home right away. It was so weird to go home empty handed. I was just blessed with only a few days of not having him with me. I couldn't imagine 6+ more weeks.
Hang in there Mama, you are doing a great job! As others have already said, its definitely worth a visit back to the hospital to do it all over again, I assure you you won't regret. Until then outside support is imperative, reach out people really do want to help, just not sure how :)
GL and congratulation you are almost there...BTW my docs lifted my full time bedrest at 34 weeks so at the very least try to hang in there for another month :)
The best advice I got was to get a calendar and cross each day off...only concentrate on each day. Don't get hung up on how many more days you have to stay on bedrest, just each that you completed one more day for you little guy :)