I had premature labor with all four of my boys. I went into labor at 29 weeks (0 dilation, but 100% effaced) with my oldest child and was on extreme bedrest until he was born at 37 weeks. The doctor said that he had never seen any other woman in my condition, not deliver! I took medication to delay/stop labor and had to lie down or sit at all times except to go to the restroom or to take a quick bath. I was not allowed to cook, do laundry, ANYTHING! It certainly was inconvenient, but worth every day of it to deliver a healthy baby! Meals and housework had to be done by others.
When I had my twins four years later, I went into labor at 22 weeks! I was once again put on bedrest and medication and had to have shots to develop their lungs. Fortunately, I made it to 35 weeks, but once again I had to depend on others to care for my son, meals, housework, etc. I was lucky because I got to stay in the hospital with my twins and bring them home at five days old. Unfortunately, as a result of their prematurity, they caught RSV and spent more time in the hospital (one of my twins nearly died of it at 15 days old; he "coded" 15 times!).
My "baby" was born at 37 weeks after numerous medications and a month of bedrest. Fortunately, all went well with him.
It is an inconvenience to ask others for help, but don't feel guilty about it. A baby is a very precious thing and not to be taken for granted. SO many babies are born with developmental issues, etc and can be "kept alive," but the consequences of early labor can last a lifetime. Do NOT sacrifice the health of your unborn son in order to care for your daughter. Get her a sitter to care for her needs. You can always read to her, cuddle with her, watch movies with her, etc. while the sitter takes care of everything else.
Contact your church, local college, even the hospital to learn of options for childcare. Sometimes, you can even get free care or pay on a sliding scale. Of course, you can always give back someday by helping another mom in crisis.
I am not saying this to scare you. Pregancy has enough risks and things to worry about without complicating it with concerned thoughts; however, I wanted you to know the risks. I am fortunate, my babies all survived and my "baby" is now 5! I will NEVER forget the doctor that told me though that there were no guarantees and that my baby may not survive if delivered too early. I also will never forget the candid discussion of complications if the baby were to arrive early and survive. PLEASE seek help in childcare/housework. It is so worth it for a few weeks of inconvenience to have a healthy child for a lifetime!
Take care and I will pray for you and your baby. Let us moms all know how it goes!