At such a young age, I don't think it's important to get him on a feeding routine(3 meals a day) as far as solid food is concerned. Right now he's getting the majority of nutrients from his formula and will continue to do so for the next few months. Absolutely introduce him to fuits and veggies, but if he's filling up on that and not drinking his formula, or just doesn't seen interested in it, then I wouldn't push it. At this stage of the game it's more important that he gets formula.
Our feeding routine was pretty basic. Cereal in the morning, then whatever formula was left over from the cereal was given to her in a bottle. Then it was pretty much bottles during the day with either fruit or veggies around dinner time, then back to bottles for the rest of the night.
As far as the napping goes if he's sleeping that much during the day and it doesn't interfere with his bedtime sleep, then that means he needs the sleep. He won't sleep more than he needs to, and those frequent naps will become less over time.
Now for having him bottle feed himself, it's not as hard as you might think. Actually at your son's age, I started encouraging my dauther to learn to use the sippy cup(with water, I was never big on the juice). It's new to him so he's going to play with it. In time he'll get the idea. Believe me, I understand your concerns and I know how hard it is, but he won't starve. He just needs some time to explore with his new "toy" and then he'll get the hang of it before you know it.
Good luck with everything! My daughter is 3 years old now and I still say children should have come with instruction manuals. :)