um....we'll i think it sounds like you are needing someone's permission to discipline your son, sooooo...you have mine!! haha i think a lot of the temper tantrum and whineing is because he is a boy and a 2nd child. that being said, he has no reason to behave badly, so maybe you should look at reading up on some bahavior stuff. the "super nanny" book with jo frost is TERRIFIC!!!! also a book called " the new strong willed child" by dr. James Dobson. Love them both!!! also 4 is a really great age to teach some responsibility. I have a 4 year old daughter, and don't get me wrong, she has her bad moments, but has learned that if she wants that trip to the park or disney(we live in florida) that she is going to have to earn it by behaving and keeping up with her "chores". she is responsible for keeping her room and toy room clean and picked up and she has to do stuff like brush her teeth. be ready in the morning on time. be in bed on time. Charts are GREAT for misbehaved children! it gives them a sense of accomplishment and makes the "i did it myself" thing fun!!! We have a daily duties chart. it has the above listed things on it and it seens to work really well for my daughter.if she gets her stuff done she gets a marble to fill her reward jar...when it gets full she gets a treat! and of course.....stop doing everything for him!!!! pick up those books and get to reading....and let dad watch super nanny on T.V. maybe it will knock some sense into him!! good luck. i hope this helps!!! ~Jen