First of all, when you say that she has made poop for the last two days, what exactly do you mean? If a person is majorly constipated, then they can still produce more runny stool (which is going around the harder stool during elimination). If by 'normal' you mean stool that has some decent consistency to it, then this is probably not your/her issue.
Have you looked to see if there was some tearing when she was finally able to have a bowel movement? If she is 4, she should be able to explain something of the pain. Ask her if it stings...
A completely different thought would be to ask her if she has fallen down on her bottom recently. It is possible to fracture a tailbone by landing hard on your butt. This is actually something that a child can do rather easily. Maybe ask her when she noticed that it was hurting and what she was doing at the time...