J., I have a 10 week old baby girl right now and am having a completely different experience with her than with my son 5 years ago. When I brought her home from the hospital, I tried swaddling her for a few days and she kept getting out of it so I thought she didn't need to be swaddled. A girlfriend came by and told me that she is probably startling herself awake without being swaddled. SO, I started swaddling her at night using the swaddling technique from The Happiest Baby on the Block video & book. It was amazing the difference, she was sleeping for 3 hours at a time and she only got up to feed and went back to sleep. I now am using the MIRACLE BLANKET which is really easy to use and she can't get out of it. In the afternoon I also swaddle her and put her in the swing on a fast speed (you can open up the blanket at the bottom so her legs are free) and she sleeps for 3 hour naps! The other saving grace is white noise. I made a CD by downloading sounds from the internet, of white noise, blow dryer sounds and womb sounds. I play the white noise next to her bassinet all night long. If she fusses I turn on the blow dryer noise really loud and she goes back to sleep within minutes. I also have a bassinet that vibrates and if she starts to fuss I turn that on and sometimes that alone calms her down. If you haven't read or watched the video of The Happiest Baby on the Block that is well worth looking into! The difference with this baby and my son is I didn't swaddle my son because I thought he didn't like it and I used a womb sound in his room but put it on quietly because I thought he wouldn't like it loud SO I gave up and thought that didn't work either. NOW I wish I knew those simple techniques with him, I may have gotten more sleep back then! HA! ALSO, you could play the sounds near her if you set her down in a bouncy seat, it may soothe her and keep her from crying. Anyway, my daughter is 10 weeks old and has been sleeping thru the night since 7 weeks, I believe it has something to do with using the techniques because she really likes them. Sorry for the long winded answer, hope it makes sense and hope some of it works for you! Enjoy your little one and keep snuggling her like crazy! : )