Except for the throwing up part, that sounds just like my now four-year-old. We had similar issues and tried everything to get him to go to sleep. I must say that things improved when we got our son out of the crib. Is it too early to switch your daughter to a big-girl bed? Surprisingly our son never got out of his bed when we made the switch. He does now, but that's another story and he's two years older and we were bound to have problems with this at some point! The other thing we did was do a sticker chart rewarding him for going to sleep on his own. Really worked for him. After 10 stickers (we did nap times and bed times) he got a small toy. I took him to Target for the first one, but then had really little things on hand for the others. After four toys he got in the habit of going down on his own, which is great. Today we give him a story and a short conversation, then it's lights out (well, lights down anyway, since now our problem is that he won't sleep with lights off). We still have our problems, but at least things go smoothly getting him down!