J. B.
this is a very difficult time in a teenager's life and step parents are at a very big disadvantage in trying to handle the situation. I am the Dad who took in my 14 year old daughter from this exact scenario. I was active in my daughter's life and that is different from your ex-husband. However, if the grandparents are active and willing, it may be the best for all. In just 6 months, he can legally move out if he wants and that would be more damaging to an on gonig relationship. It took many many years for my daughter to re-establish a relationship with her mother and younger brother who stayed with his mom. IF the grandparents are a loving option and continue to support you as his mother, it may be the best course to take; especially if you are the one who provides the ability out of love for him. Father son relationships are tough in the teeenage years and a step father almost can not win.
You have a very difficult road to travel, but do it out of love, not power and control. Giving up some of your time now may be the path to a long ang lasting relationship for the rest of your life.
Hope this helps in your thinking.
Good Luck and trust in your Mother's instincts.