I have a 14 month old boy- he wakes up about 645-7 am, he gets ready, eats breakfast and watches Spanish learning DVD or Sesame Street, while playing with toys. Up until about 10:30 am and is down for about 1 hr. Then he wakes up eats lunch at 12, plays, takes a bath, and usually goes to the park or plays out side for a while. Then he eats his 1st dinner around 4pm, goes down for another nap. Then i arrive home and he is usually awake by then around 530 and eats 2nd dinner (all small meals) and then plays a bit more. Each nap is no longer then 1 hr. Some times he naps around 1ish- but mostly just morning nap and afternoon nap. Then he goes to bed around 9 pm. He has steadily been on this schedule for a while now. :)