so I have a 1 yr old son & his routine is as follows. He goes to bed around 8 to 9 pm, wakes up at about 9ish. We have breakfast then play, we have a snack around 10ish... @ 12 pm he eats lunch & is ready for his nap by 1pm sharp! He wakes back up around 3ish ( he's a good sleeper) once he's up we go to park, run errands etc... He has another snack at about 4 pm.... @ 6:30 it's dinner time for him... After dinner it's relax time. He plays with his toys while I watch the news or we hang out side if the weather permits. 8pm is bath time& after that he is ready for bed. Took me awhile a get this routine down packed but consistency works. I also have a 3yr old that follows the same routine and it so helpful to have order in the home. Of coarse there are days when my routine falls apart but for the most part it works. I hope this helps you out!