Welcome to the teenage years. Girls especially are looking to feel good about themselves, and they know no other way than to put others down. I always say the mirror is up, what we find you do not like in others is what we do not like in ourselves. Listen to what they are judging, then in a natural setting, in a real situation, assure them of their own strengths in that category.
If you notice they constantly judge how someone is dressed the next morning comment on their taste in clothes.
If you notice that they talk about someones hair, then the next time they shower or do something with their hair, notice it, give them a real compliment.
If they think they are "better" than someone else, take them for a drive. Show them the street people in your area and the very affluent communities. Discuss that everyone is equal and why.
If they "rank" other kids, ask them about the ranking system and who created it. Ask them to create their own system based on your family morals and values.
Cynthia we are judged every day of our lives. Some of it is positive and some is negative. You have a wonderful teachable moment here. Show your daughters, by example, what you want and what you expect.
And as for checking in with their day, guide the discussion. Ask questions like:
What did you find interesting in Math today?
In science class today, what did you think about?
What thing did you like most about _________ today?
How is ________ (Name of friend)?
Ask them anything that will require a positive answer. Allow onnly uplifting info to be shared. They will take your cue, as subtle as it will be, and they will see how grownups spend their time.
Family Wellness Coach