This is another one of those no right answer sort of questions. At this age, I don't think you're doing any psychological damage to her, but you may be setting yourself up for difficulties in the future when she's 3 and refuses to sleep in her own bed. However, because of your current living situation, this may be the only option for you, and you do what is necessary to keep the household somewhat at peace. For me personally, it's a bad choice, but every family is different. At 6 weeks my son went into the crib in his own room (he had been in a bassinet in our room, not even in our bed) and that was the end of any discussion about it at our house. But again, he didn't give us much trouble and who's to say that if he fussed a lot, that I wouldn't have brought him back into our room? It all comes down to personal decisions, and you're going to catch flak for it no matter what you decide, just like with every other decision you're going to make. I can't believe how everyone has an opinion on EVERYTHING I do with my son - I caught it for not circumsizing him, for choosing to breastfeed, for not letting him sleep in my bed, for not staying home with him until he was in school, for my methods of discipline, for not reacting when he trips unless he's obviously hurt, for choosing to use sign language in addition to English & Spanish, for only bathing him every other night... and the list goes on.
Just do whatever feels best for your family and you won't be wrong. She's big enough that unless you guys are reaaaaly deep sleepers, you probably won't roll over onto her at night (she'll let you know, lol). If you really don't want her sleeping in your bed though, buy a few pairs of earplugs for your parents and let them know that you're trying it this way. Best of luck!