i waited too long to put my daughter in her crib. she slept with me from birth to 6 months (maybe a lil bit more time) and it was agonizing for 3 months to try and get her to sleep there. i had to do a million things...sit with her until she'd fall asleep, put lullabies on that play ALL night long (still at almost 2 yrs old she's got the lullabies going or NO SLEEP), rearrange her room until she slept better. i tried the winnie the pooh that looks like a baby sleeping on a pillow, the pillow lights up and changes colors and plays either a lullaby, or nature sounds THAT worked amazingly (when she wouldn't sleep in my bed and i wasn't there) i would definitely suggest that one! i even tried the cry it out method. to be honest, after doing each thing, she slept a little better, but after crying it out for about a week she slept in her crib. 1st day i would go in after 5 min of crying, 2nd night 10 min, 3rd night 15 min...after that she wouldn't cry any more then 15 min without thrashing. that lasted a couple days and i guess she just gave in because she just went to whining for 5-10 min after the week was up (and that lasted maybe 1-2 weeks) since that month, she was fine, though the very 1st 2 months, of trying everything was pretty hard on me. try lullabies, or any other suggestions just to try and avoid the crying it out since she throws up from that...but if nothing else works, you just have to let her throw up (though idk how she can go to sleep with vomit near/on her...or how you could be comfortable knowing she most likely threw up) i wish you the best of luck, hope i was able to help some. be patient, it will take a couple of weeks, but it WILL happen if your persistent in her sleeping in her crib!