Just wanted to support your decision to not let her cry it out. It will definitely take some time for your daughter to get readjusted to sleeping in her crib if she hasn't done it in a month. I would be very consistent with comforting her and returning her to her crib. There will be some crying, but it should be accompanied crying. You need to help her through this transition with love and compassion. You could stay in the room with her (if that helps - for some kids it just makes them angry) or leave and return every few minutes to reassure her. I might try having her sleep in her crib, but you or your hubby sleep on the floor of her room for a week or so (she gets more comfortable in the crib, while being reassured of you). The key is to be consistent so she learns quickly what to expect, reassuring and calm. She'll get back into the routine eventually.
You could also try to move her to a toddler type bed now. Its pretty early, but if she was comfortably sleeping in a big bed on vacation, maybe she'd be ok with a twin mattress on the floor and a rail. That way she wouldn't be with you, but might be happier.
Good luck!