I have a 14month old who is still doing the same thing periodically (almost every night). Here is what i do and it has been working...1st, I stopped changing his diaper and I never pick him up unless i think something really is wrong. I let him cry. I comfort him and hug him while in the crib, tell him it is time for "nite nite" and then i sit next to the crib until he goes back asleep. even if he cries. it is hard sometimes but it really works. also, does he have a good bedtime routine? that really helps.
My problem was that i would hold Peyton until he fell asleep for the night (at 8pm) and then would put him in his crib asleep. He would wake up later not knowing how he got in the crib, and want me to rock him to sleep again. He needed to learn to fall asleep on his own. So i started reading him a story before bed, then when he got really sleepy, but still awake, i would put him in his crib and just sit quietly in his room until he went to sleep on his own. the first 3 nights were very hard, took about 45 minutes of terrible crying the first time, i cried and sat on the floor next to the crib until he passed out. But now, it takes about 3 minutes wtih no crying for him to fall asleep and its only been 2 weeks since i started.
He does still wake up in the middle of the night, but just be consistant and it will work. I think sometimes it is night terrors, and sometimes it is teeth, so i do go to him and comfort him.
I think your best bet is to just keep up your rocking him until you are done working after July 1st...i know how tough it is, you need sleep! Also, i tried this method with Peyton several times since he was around 10 months and it never worked until 2 weeks ago, so i think maybe he just wasnt ready yet. Dont be discouraged if it takes several tries or just doesnt happen til he is a little older - but he will sleep, if you teach him too. :)
good luck!