Hello Hisela. I delivered my son (in March) at Downey Regional Medical Center, an awesome hospital! I actually live in Bellflower, and had a choice of a few, and was interested in Long Beach Memorial because of the NICU unit, etc... but I heard so many good recommendations about DRMC, that I decided to give it a try. I went on the stork tour three times, to make sure it was the hospital for me. I felt very good about my choice to deliver there, and had an excellent experience. I liked the one on one attention that both my baby and I received there. I believe their nurse to patient ratio is 1:4 in the maternity wars, I'm not sure though. Anyway, it was lower than any other hospital. The only small problem I had (and it didn't even matter to me since the rest of the time I was there was great!) was that one nurse asked me more than once about having an epidural. I told her I didn't want one, and even though she didn't push it on me, her questions made me feel like she was trying to, inadvertently. It didn't last long though, I stood my ground, let her know that I was against it, and she eventually left me alone. Good luck to you in your search, and congrats on your pregnancy :)