Does anyone have any information on this and/or use it? I'm currently on the pill, but have terrible headaches each month around my cycle. I think it is hormone rel...
I am seeing my OB GYN today but wanted to ask if anyone experiences premenstrual headaches? I get them a day or two before my cycles starts and they sometimes last in...
Wondering if I'm crazy or not alone in feeling this way!! My son had baseball yesturday and I feel like some of the parents, especially the moms, are already startin...
So I'm a member of a baby center group thing, for babies born the same month/year as my son. I signed up a long time ago, and still get weekly email updates. I find t...
I read this article earlier today and it's been on my mind ever since (I will post the link in the 'So What Happened'. If I understood the article correctly, here is ...
I have a 2 month old baby and a 2 1/2 year old. I was feeling ok until about a week ago then started being unable to sleep. After getting the kids to bed I would ...
I assume that is what I have. I called my Dr and he is not alarmed. He said it is RLP and there is nothing I can do other than heat on the area. I have a lower abdomi...
A while ago my 9 year son has innocently told me about a conversation he's had with this kid at school. The kid told my son about some sexually explicit websites that...
Has anyone been on Zoloft while breastfeeding? I have heard conflicting answers. My pharmacist said it was okay. The docter said no. But my sister was on it after she...