I am pregnant with my 2nd child and want to attempt a VBAC. I am looking for some good birthing classes that teach breathing techniques, etc. Does anyone have sugge...
Im completly destroy in tears. My pain its too much to handle and I know many of you mom's out there understand me. I went to get an ultrasound and I got the terr...
I have a question for those of you that are able to stay home with
your children. Forgive me, if it turns out to be too personal of a
question, but I am just really...
I find myself feeling a little dumb because I am crying now.... for the past few days my baby has not wanted to breast feed. She is 4 months old and was solely breast...
My toddler has been watching limited television for about three months. All we own is "The Laurie Berkner Band" DVD, which she loves but is starting to grow old. I ...
I have been breastfeeding for 9 1/2 months and currently my left side doesn't produce that much anymore maybe an ounce if that. My right is better but still not that ...
I have a little girl that is 3 1/2 weeks old. With my first child, I followed the Baby Wise routine soon after I brought her home. With this child, I promised mysel...
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering how long you swaddled your babies? I currently have a 1 month old who loves being swaddled when he sleeps at night. And trust me, I ...
I was recently diagnosed with borderline epilepsy and am still getting adjusted to the medication for it. I am still having small seizures and am not due back to the ...