My 2 1/2 year old grandson to this day does not bite off food. Everything has to be bite size for him. Food texture does not matter, if it is not bite size he won't...
My daughter is 10 months and really enjoys eating regular food as opposed to baby food. The problem is that she only has 2 teeth and I'm having trouble finding food t...
Besides using them to store "home made" baby food - or daytime snack carriers - I'm looking for ideas on what to do with used baby food jars. I hate to throw them out.
Since my son has started daycare he refuses to eat any baby food or solid food. Unless it is in a bottle he won't touch it. My regular ped doesn't seem to be alarme...
Hi all,
I'm wondering when -- and how -- you can teach a toddler not to throw food at mealtimes. My 19-month-old daughter constantly throws food -- she doesn't like ...
I have decided to make most of the food for my 7-month-old using the Super Baby Food book. I have a large food processor that does a good job when making a large batc...
My daughter has been introducted to real food by Dad and grandpa. In their family, babies don't get jarred food. They get whatever the family is having - just ground ...
My 2 year old daughter looks so skinny to me since she is growing in height, but not weight. The doctor said to give her calorie rich food, but make sure it is healt...
Ugh, we've finished dinner and I ended up frustrated, as usual. First try - he was flinging food everywhere and I eventually got him down while we finished eating. Re...