when should i start potty training my child

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Potty Training

P.K. asks from Miami

I would like to know if 15 months old is too soon to start potty training my baby girl? I am a SAHM now but looking for work and I would like to take advantage of thi...


Potty Training

S.L. asks from St. Louis

I need advice! Since this is my first child I need to know when to start potty training and how to know when my son is ready. By the time the new baby comes in Sept...


Potty Training

L.M. asks from Erie

I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter who we started potty training in november. She is doing very well but still has accidents one to two times a day. Is this normal? She...


Potty Training......

A.M. asks from Pine Bluff

I have a 13 month old. I am thinking about starting to try to potty train this summer. My son will be 16 months old in May, and thats when I had thought about start...


Potty Training

C.C. asks from Sacramento

I am currently potty training my 2 year 3 month old daughter (with no success) and would like to know if other moms have had more success potty training at a later ag...


Potty Training????

B.V. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 28 months old and shows plenty of signs of being ready to potty training. Stays dry for 2 hours, awakes from naps dry and if i get upstairs right as sh...


Potty Training.

M.K. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I have been potty training my almost 3 1/2 year old daughter since she was 2, and still no luck. She sometimes goes pee and never goes poop in the potty. She does kno...


Potty Training

J.W. asks from Grand Rapids

We have mastered the day time potty training. Does any one have a tips for the mastering th night time? Chloe, our daughter is 2 1/2 years old. She doesn't mind being...


Potty Training`

A.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, I have a 21 month old and I was just wondering if anyone has any advice on when to start potty training with a bot. I have heard that you are suppose to wait till...


Potty Training

J.D. asks from Cincinnati

We've been potty training our 2 yr (almost 3) for a little over a month. She is consistant about using the potty for tinkle and wakes up dry in the mornings! But ...

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Answer Highlights

  • will let you know when they are ready in 2 answers "... when he wakes up and goes to bed. They will let you know when they are ready ..."
  • dont make a big deal in 2 answers "If accidents happen, don't make a big deal about it."
  • when they were dry in 2 answers "I also had them pick out big kids underwear for when they were dry."
  • big girl panties in 2 answers "... when our daughter can wear less clothes we are going to do the big girl panties ..."
  • began potty training in 2 answers "... ASAP before he was old enough to know any different. I began potty training ..."