My grandson who is 10 1/2 yrs. old has stopped eating. He has never been a big eater but has lost interest in food and barely eats ANYTHING. He is on a med. that de...
I'll be flying from Kuwait to TX with my daughter in November (22 hours!!!). She has her own ticket. When we flew over here, she was only 3 months old and used an i...
My son will be 4 in January. I breastfed him till he was 22 months. At 8 months he started eating solids w/the ok of my doctor. I mean he was eating everything, lik...
My daughter has recently began having very stinky gas and the smell of her poop has changed too. She is breastfed although has had formula a few times at daycare. S...
My son is 10.5 months old, still breastfeeds several times a day, and eats a variety of foods. He has 8 teeth and enjoys chopped up solid foods including meat (which ...
My little guy is getting to the point that he only likes to feed himself instead of being fed, but can't use a spoon yet and struggles to pick up food that isn't dry....
I have an eight month old daughter. First of all, by the standard growth chart, she's about 2 lbs underweight (as in, off the charts) and the pediatrician makes SURE...
Hi everyone,
I just had a question about how much my almost 10 week old should be eating. First off, I have returned to work (I only work 4 hours/day 3 days a week)...
My 10 month old daughter is a pretty regular pooper. She goes once a day, and sometimes skips a day here and there. The past couple of days she has gone about 6 times...
My 10 mo., almost 11 mo. old triplets will not eat table food. I offer table food first and if they refuse I give in and give them a bottle. So, we are still on 4 b...