I've posted about strange issues with my 4 year old daughter before, however, I'd still like to get some insight. Before anyone responds with "you need to see the ped...
I am just curious. I have two boys with very different personalities. My easy-going son was a rougher pregnancy, and my more challenging son was a very easy pregnan...
Or were you a fighter?
I'm not talking verbally arguing, I'm talking flat out punching someone out because of something they did or said.
We all teach our child...
I used to use the BareMinerals foundation when I was younger because I don't like to feel like I am using a lot of make up on my face. And the only reason I started w...
Hi Ladies. I am considering getting the Mirena IUD. Since being on the bc pill for the last two years I have had a really hard time losing weight and my libido is l...
I had my amnio yesterday (no problems with it :) ) and the sonographer said... it's a boy! I will wait until I get that confirmed by the amnio results to tell my dau...
It's been 4 mths now that i m breastfeeding but it still hurts at every suck :( I have tried everything! When it is unbearable, i take a break and give him pumped mil...
My best friend is pregnant with her first baby. She is sssssooooooo swollen! her poor ankles are gone, and her feet are wedged in her shoes at the end of the day.
I have to decide whether or not to have my elderly aunt with Alzheimer's get checked for polyps in her colon. What do you think? Her short term memory is nearly gone,...
!Hello, I have diabetes in the family. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant, and it went away after first 2, but stayed after my 3rd baby. So I have type 2 ...