My daughter is 11 months and has never been the best eater. She definitely still loves all the soft, pureed baby food and is very picky about starting to eat regular...
My two yr old son fell & broke his four front teeth. My question is does it cause any speech problem in the future or is he gonna have any difficulty getting his perm...
I have a 3-year-old daughter and she has a beautiful smile. My concern is that she has 5 teeth in the front on the bottom, and I know this isn't normal (she currentl...
my son is almost 3 months old and i think he might be teething but i am not too sure. he does drool alot and he is always putting his hands in his mouth or his blanke...
Am I the only one that this happens to? I started my period yesterday and noticed the gums right behind my front teeth were a little sore, but thought maybe I poked t...
Do Hyland's teething tablets work? Has anyone had any negative experiences with them? The website says it is OK to use them in conjunction with Tylenol. Is that wh...
My 4 month old son has been crying more than usual. More like a whiney cry. I know there is no fever or sickness. It's just crying for every little thing! Is this nor...
my daughter is over 3 yrs old and still wants the pacifier for bed & naps. doesn't use it for naps @ school, but cries for it when she's w/us. she usually loses it on...
My dentist offers the option of getting a fluoride treatment (for an additional charge) when my 8 year old has a check up. I've heard mixed things about ingesting flo...