Recently at a teacher conference my 8yr old son's teacher said she "thinks" he might have attention deficeit disorder. He def. has trouble with focusing on tasks and...
I have a beautiful 4 week old girl who will sleep almost constantly when we hold her, but almost as soon as we put her in her crib, she wakes up and cries. I know th...
If your child got in trouble with her teacher for being rude during class and the teacher punished your child appropriately at the time of the infraction, would you a...
My 4 year old daughter(who will be 5 in june) is having a hard time at school with recognizing and identifying sounds/letters. She is very bright and I know she know...
Hi! I need some advice on what to do here... My daughter is 31/2 years old and has been in preschool since she was 2. She is a sweet girl and her preschool teacher...
as per the recent report card and teacher conferences.. my 3rd grade daughter is easily distractable and having a hard time focusing in class. The teacher came up wi...
my 6 year old DD goes to full day kindergarten. her K teacher was doing 1-on-1 reading with the kids today, so she had arranged a substitute teacher for today. Her te...
My son is 15 and the class is right after lunch period. He is recovering from an illness and hasn't been sleeping very well at night because of his illness. On this d...
I just witnessed my son's teacher being pulled over by the pollice, his car was searched and he was in hand cuffs. I don't know what happened. When I returned to th...
My dd just found out her her teacher is and she's totally bummed. On top of that ALL her friends are in the other class for her grade. I feel bad for her, but the s...