teacher private school

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Private Elementary School in Naperville?

S.F. asks from Chicago

I would appreciate any advice I could get on a excellent private elementary school for my daughter. She is now in kindergarten and we may send her to public school bu...


Major Dilema About Private School - What Would You Do?

K.E. asks from Minneapolis

So Connor is only 3 1/2 but we have already really started looking into schools for him. We were all set and had made up our mind pretty much to send him to this priv...


Private School Parents- How Did You Evaluate?

S.P. asks from Dallas

We are in the process of considering a private school education for our son who will be in kindergarten in 09. I have done the basic research that one would think o...


School, Private or Public

K.K. asks from Chicago

O.k. mom's out there, I need some advice. My daughter is in 2nd grade this year. She ateends a public school by are house. The School is very nice and for the past tw...


Private School Attendance in Texas?

A.R. asks from Houston

Hi everyone, My daughter attends a Christian private school. This year has been full of sicknesses, so far she has missed 9 days due to strep throat, stomach issu...


Private School vs Public School

D.M. asks from Phoenix

My daughter will be starting kindergarten this year and my husband and I have been debating about private vs public school. I would like help evaluating the two opti...


Thoughts About Private School

S.K. asks from Dallas

Hey mamas, My older son is 4. He has one more year before Kindergarten (he'll turn 5 in April). We are trying to figure out how we want to go regarding school. ...


Did You Go to Public School or Private School?

L.C. asks from Kansas City

ok, a friend of mine and i are having a debate and i want your ladies opinions too! Did you go to public school or private school? How do you feel about your ed...


Public or Private?

J.C. asks from New York

Hi Moms, It is time to decide which elementary school my son should be going to in September. In my town, we have several magnet schools which we did apply to (lotter...


Home School, Private School, Public School

A.T. asks from State College

Expecting a lot of flack for this one: I am a happy wife in an inter-racial marriage and my husband and I already get gawked at everywhere we go in our small town. W...

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