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Results 61-70 from 71 articles

Dinners with Our Toddler

K.G. asks from Atlanta

I just wanted to ask for your opinions or advice on my Toddler's eating (or not eating). He is 17 months old and I have been trying hard to help him be a good eater ...


2 Month Old with Possible GERD

P.A. asks from Las Vegas

Does anyone have a baby with GERD or really bad acid reflux. I need some help! My baby hasn't had a happy day in his life so far. It's been a nightmare for my husband...


Need Help in Weaning Autistic Toddler from Bottle

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

My son is nearly 18 months and still gets a bottle 3 times a day with milk. He will not take his milk from any other sippy cup nor regular cup. His bottle is his ult...


1 Year Old W/ Food Allergies.

K.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi moms. I need some information and maybe even some reassurance. When I thought about weaning my son, Jack, at 6 months he ended up in the ER. He had eaten less t...


Major Issues with My Sister-in-laws

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms, I have been struggling with something for a while. I have two sister-in-laws (well, one now - the evil one is now divorced - yay!). The evil sister-i...


I Know My Son Is Autistic

C.F. asks from Los Angeles

I am in search of advice and emotional support. My three 1/2 year old presents autistic characteristics.


Seeking Advice About Delayed/selective Vaccine Scheduling

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for information and advice about delayed/selective vaccine scheduling. Currently we are splitting his immunizations, in other words we gave him 2 out of...


4 Year Old Diagnosed with Bipolar and ADHD - Anyone Have Advice on Medicine?

D.H. asks from Dallas

My 4 year old son has been diagnosed with ADHD and Bipolar. At this time, we are charting his moods to show what sort of cycle he goes through. We have held off on ...


"What Are Your Thoughts on So Many Vaccines Before Age 2"

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have been interviewing pediatricians and reading so much about the concerns over the 35 vaccinations a baby receives in its first two years. I'm very worried and c...


Help with ADD

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have a six year old son on Kindergarten who is exhibiting several clear signs of ADD or a similar disorder. His school is requesting that he be evaluated, which I ...

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