My toddler is currently 3 y.o with a short attention span(as with most toddlers), so I was wondering at what age should we sign him up for swim lessons. Please share ...
I am interested in having someone certified in teaching swim lessons to come to my home for my son and another 3 yr old boy. I am in Lewisville and not sure about gr...
I am looking for a swim school in san jose/campbell area for my 5 year old son. I would prefer if it had an indoor pool so he can continue swimming year round. It wou...
i am looking for someone to come to our home and teach my 3.5 year old daughter swim lessons. we live in plano near coit and 121. preferably female instructor in the ...
My 4 year old had his first swim lesson this past weekend. He has played in the pool before with floaties and was excited to learn to swim but had never put his face...
Where would you recommend to go for the best & safest swim lessons for my son who will be two later this summer. I'd prefer something in the Flower Mound or Coppell ...
Thinking of enrolling my 4 year old in swim, dance, martial arts, or some other extracurricular activity. I was thinking swim, dance, or martial arts because she has...
I am looking to sign my 5 year old up for swimming lessons this summer in the South Elgin/St. Charles/Geneva area. Any recommendations ? He needs someone who will k...
My daughter is 2 1/2 and I would like to get her involved in swim lessons and eventually sports like tee-ball and such. I was wondering at what age should I start get...
I'm looking for swim lessons for my children, ages 2 and 5. They both love water but have never taken formal lessons and I'd like to get them some experience before s...