My husband is a chef. Comes home later in the evening, dead-tired, hasn't had time to eat. He generally comes in, makes himself something to eat, plops down in fron...
I love soda. Been drinking it since i was 36 now.I want to quit drinking it or at least drink one can a day.I'm up to a 6 pack a day now. I tried to quit cold tu...
My Husband and I recently saw that our 10 year old boy was looking up things on the internet relating to sex and girls parts. I was devastated to see that he was curi...
I'll try to be brief and really am open to thoughts of all kinds!
So, everytime I express a hurt to my partner of nearly 4 years he gets really defensive even if I...
Please help. Would very much appreciate any and all advise in to how to permanently break by daughter's thumb sucking. She is well past the age where this should ha...
I feel so discouraged! My baby turned one last week, and I cant loose my baby weight. I breastfed exclusively, and pumped at work. I produced TONS of milk but was rav...
I recently quit taking prozac (on my 5th day)!!! I am feeling very, very blue, irritable, anxious, moody sad, irrational, angry. I felt this way before the Prozac b...
My 8 year old daughter is having a sleepover birthday party. We decided on having a small party 4-5 friends. The problem is there is one girl she does not want to i...
My husband and I have been trying for sometime for our second child. Anyways, I know that we should probably go to a doctor but, what doctor? Just our regular physi...
My son eats lot of chocolate, around 20-30 in a day.I am worried about this habit.Please suggest me some way, so atleast this number reduces to 5-10.should i take som...