My son is extremely sick and they just keep telling me it's the flu and I am losing my mind. Every time he seems out of the woods, he reverts back to excessive vomit...
I've noticed within the last 6 months or so my mestrual camps have been incresing in pain and harder to make go away with meds. My last period was short and light, bu...
I just had a colonsocpy with an upper gi endoscopy. I got the results that I had 3 polyps in my stomach and 2 in my esophagus. They said they had to send the biopsy...
my daughter had the mireina from doctos that wasnt all that good but my daughter suffered so much ,from overian cyst to reatrum prolasp loss of appatite , liver bl...
I am in search for helpful tips for my mother.. she is battling cancer at it worst! medicare and Medicaid have turned her down.. I am in search for a second opinion t...
Hi Mamas ~ I'm reaching out for a ray of light tonight.... My mom recently had a second mamogram to verify a suspicious lump. Turns out it's a small lump and anothe...
I think (but do not have it confirmed) that I have colon cancer. Having looked over my medical history for the past 8 years I think that I have had problems for at le...
Hi everyone. I was recently being treated for a stomach ulcer. My doctor sent me for an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have gall stones. The u/s showed my gall b...
Nothing is happening today with my 5 month old nephew.
The grapefruit size mass is coming out of his right kidney, pushing all of his arteries, veins, and organs to...
Hi y'all!
My husbands cousin is very young and has finally won her 2 yr battle with breast cancer ( yeah!!). She wasn't feeling well and had some fever and such a...