My DD who is 5 has a social anxiety disorder and I know her anxiety carries over to other things. She does not want to go to the bathroom by herself. She asks me to g...
My 5 yr old boy is in kindergarten and seems to have social anxiety. He cried during the last 3 birthday parties when we sang Happy Birthday to him. He is too scare...
Hi, I have an almost 11 year old daughter who has a generalized anxiety disorder and is being ruled out for ADHD with inattentive. She is having trouble in school pa...
I went to the dr with symptoms of anxiety disorder and she diagnosed me as post partum. She put me on Paxil and Xanax even though I'm exclusively breastfeeding. So fa...
This is not with the intention of prying, but I've noticed mention of kids with special needs. This is a huge relief for me, cause it seems that everyone I know in r...
My DD6 has been in gymnastics for 2 years. She has always loved it. Now all of a sudden she does not want to go. She pretty much has her fave teacher still and is at ...
For the past month, my 5 year old daughter has been increasingly anxious. She is confessing to things that she fears is bad and is excessively worried. For the past ...
I started having panic attacks in college (a little over a decade ago) and these attacks occurred when I was center of attention in a formal setting (i.e. class when ...
Our youngest 6 year old little boy was just diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. He had motor tics for about a year before his diagnoses then recently the tics became ...