Hi Moms, How many of your 7 year olds are riding a bike without training wheels? my just turned 7 year old daughter is very hesitant to learn to ride a bike. She w...
Compared to many other requests, this may seem like quite a shallow concern. However, my daughter has not learned to ride a two-wheeler bicycle like most of her frie...
We are finally getting our son his first bike! He is 4 1/2 years old and a bit on the short side (not sure if that matters when purchasing a bike). We wanted to kno...
Does anyone have any ideas on gifts for a 4 YO for a birthday present. Our son turns 4 this week and we are having his party this Saturday. All he has asked for is ...
OK, this might sound simple, but it is anything but!! We are having her party Saturday and I cant decide what to buy her! She LOVES barbies, the disney princess tha...
My friend and I walk in the mornings with our kids during the summer. Her daughter will be entering Kindergarten and has outgrown her stroller. However, she's st...
My son's best friend is having a party Friday evening. He will be 6. This kid has everything under the sun! He has tons of legos, movies, video games, electric cars....
My son turns 11 in a few weeks. He's at that akward age - doesn't really want toys and the technology items he thinks he wants we won't let him have (ie laptop, TV f...
If someone had asked me this question a couple of months ago I'd probably have some ideas. But right now I'm stumped :-)
My son desn't seem to have any ideas of w...