My sister just found out she has a Morton's Neuroma and was told by the specialist that she shouldn't wear the flip flops, high heels, etc... that we girls like to we...
What are some new fashion trends that you just will not participate in? Mine used to be leggings, but I finally cracked and started wearing them. Now its those ugl...
My 4 and 5 yr olds are going with thier babysitter to a graduation party in a ballroom and then to a 15. They told me to dress the kids very nice. When my friend go...
So we are finally moving to Long Beach next week. I am just trying to tie up some loose ends. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good pediatric dentist? Also I wo...
Hi, it seems like women MUST have their toes painted if they're wearing open toe shoes or sandals. It seems like that wasn't the case a few years ago, but now it's r...
What are some favorite brands of women's shoes that are also comfortable? Since having kids, it is more important that my feet are comfortable all day and that I can...
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I never realized I had a bit of a shoe problem until recently ;) I'm not a super girly girl, and I rarely get to go out, so wh...
I used to look at well put- together woman and think, "great shoes, great ensemble, what a sharp looking woman." Now when I see well put- together woman I think, "ho...
Oh-MY-GOSH! I am soo embaressed! But before reading, be sure not to laugh too hard or even imagine it happening! LOL... Today I went out and got some shopping done, t...
......Wearing Sheer Toed Black Sheer nylons with Black Open toed shoes???? EEEKKK I used to think NO WAY-Ever ... but I saw someone the other day doing the same ...