It seems every year I make resolutions to make more money, lose weight, and be an overall better person. This year I didn't make any resolutions, but instead I deci...
My grandson goes through days of not eating. He has not had much to eat in 6 days. He has lost over 1 pound. He is already a small and skinny child. The doctor is...
Hey everyone please say a prayer for one of my husbands long time friends. their 8yr old daughter and 10yr old niece went missing yesterday.
Their bikes were foun...
I am curious to know if you, as Moms, make time to go out with your friends? (without husband or kids in tow)If so, how often do you make time to do this?
What are your thoughts on montessori school? How are the kids socially after attending? What are likes and dislikes? I am thinking of registering my son at Breckenr...
Hi! I was wondering if any of you have a hard drive camcorder and if so how you like it. I have a dvd camcorder but it just seems like it doesnt hold enough and you h...
Has anyone ever used an online source to create your wedding album? I am looking into this and would love to have some feedback on your experience, quality of servic...
I have 2 kids.. 3 and 4 1/2 years... I work 2 days adn they go to day care .. other than that they are home with me and each other..there are no other kids in the nei...
Hi Moms!
Just wondering how long you feel is too long to go back and fill in the So What Happened?'s on your posts? I have posted things and received good advice, b...
I have two children- my son just turned one, my daughter just turned two. They are on a schedule--in bed at 8pm. Well my husband and I, being two very passionate peop...