I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my second child and have really bad acid reflux. I had it with my first as well and never found a good solution to help with it. I take T...
Our 4 yr old son has PDD-NOS. I've been reading up on Specific Carbohydrate Diet and was wondering if anyone has had any success with it. My son has been teste...
I have newborn twins (born prematurely at 33 weeks) who are now going on 11 weeks. They do have acid reflux and are taking medications and their food is thickened th...
My son is 10 weeks old. At about week 5/6 he started showing signs of reflux during random feedings throughout the day. After eating only an ounce of formula he would...
Though I am breastfeeding, my daughter's tongue-tie has resulted in me having to mostly bottle-feed her my milk while she builds up her tongue muscles. I had her fre...
we have been on prevacid for the past 3months and the dr suggested that we take him off of it. He is 5 and a half months. Prevacid worked like magic and he was so...
Okay, so my boy will be 8 weeks on Monday. I've posted before about his congestion that he's had for almost 6 weeks now... (we have an air purifier and cool mist humi...
My daughter has severe reflux and the GI doctor has recommended that I try a milk free diet for 2-3 weeks. They provided me a handout and I've started to read labels...
My sister-in-law only offers Diet Coke to her children. They are 3 and 5. Their first year of life they did get milk but since then Diet Coke. They even have it fo...
Hey ladies need some help! My doc is wanting to me start a new diet to help my sons reflux- no soy or dairy. I have been amazed to see how much of the products are in...