My son is 18 months old. He recently discovered how to pull apart the velcro on his diaper, but the diaper still stayed on because his pants held it up. Well, this mo...
My daughter is about as girly as it comes. She insists on picking out her outfits and wearing tutus daily. She'll say, "Oh, that's so pretty!" She loves when I let...
I wondered if anyone has come across this problem. My son came down with the stomach flu last week and now he can't seem to get comfortable at night and now he is st...
OK Ladies i need some advice!!! Our anniversary is on tues day and i wantt to wow him. Here is my plan::: i got a sexy nighty and candles, i am thinking of blind fol...
I forgot to mention, my daughter is only 4 months old. We don't use water/powder formulas, only ready feed. I use demotologist lotions and everything is dye free/sc...
My daughter is 8 years old and seems to have reddness around her vaginal area a lot. I have taken her to the pediatrician, used allergy free laundry detergent, sleepi...
My daughter has had diarrhea for like a week and I am wondering if I should take her to the doctor. She is eating , playing, drinking and being herself. no symptoms o...
I've been interviewing in-home daycare providers, and have narrowed my choices down to 3. I am at the point where I need to start calling their references. What que...
Hi Moms!! I just signed up for the "Changing Diapers, Changing Minds" program through Jillian's Drawers as I am expecting my second child in the next 3 weeks. I fig...
hi i was wondering what kind of sunblock and what number of spf to get im just getting a head start before summer gets here where i will have it on hand my daughter w...