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Results 31-40 from 42 articles

3 Month Old with Rsv- Bronchilitis

M.R. asks from Philadelphia

Hi There, We just got back from AI DuPont hospital and my little baby boy- 3 months old has RSV- a respiratory virus- like bonchitus in us. We stayed over night and t...


Allergy Shots and Asthma Meds

R.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Hello Mamas, I am asking for your advice regarding asthma and allergy treatments for little ones. I am nearly at my wit's end dealing with my four and a half-year-o...


1 Year Old with Asthma

M.T. asks from Boston

Hi everyone, My son Evan is 13 months old and has been hospitalized 3 times now in the past 3 months due to asthma. So far it does not seem to be allergy related. ...


Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out sh...


Asthma Question

K.B. asks from Portland

My 2 1/2 year old daughter, who had never had any significant respiratory issues before except a few colds and coughs, was diagnosed wtih a low-grade pneumonia and pr...


Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

D.G. asks from Detroit

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. ...


Children Suffering with Asthma and Pneumonia

A.G. asks from Wilmington

My daughter is 6years old and she has had pneumonia 4 times in 6 months. We had blood work done and her ch50 and igg came back very low, only thing is I have know ide...


Infant Asthma

S.B. asks from Washington DC

My almost 5 month old son has been wheezing for about a month now. Our pediatrician tried several meds but they didn't really help much, so he sent us to a pediatric...


Why Won't My Baby's Cold Go Away?

D.B. asks from Fresno

My son is 10 months old and has had cold symptoms consistently since he started going to daycare at 3 months of age. His symptoms vary and come and go but I can not ...


6 Month Old Is Always Congested

J.W. asks from Philadelphia

My 6 mo. old daughter has been congested to some degree since birth. It is mainly in her throat/chest, NOT her nose/sinuses. Initially I related it to her acid refl...

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