Hello Everyone!
I am now over 36 weeks pregnant with Baby Number Two. I am so excited and I'm sure that you all remember how that last month DRAGS! :) I am enjoyi...
I've been on the mini-pill since my daughter turned 6 weeks (end of April). My first period came mid-July. However, I'm two weeks late this month. I've taken a pregna...
I am 13 weeks pregnant and had my first sonogram last Thursday. Everything looked great baby had strong heart beat of 165. Because of my age 36, my doctor had me ta...
I am eight weeks pregnant and I have a 17 month old little girl. I am so incredibly sick all day with this pregnancy (I can barely keep food down) and I'm taking med...
I went to my 36 week appt last week and the doctor saw that I was dilated 3 cm and 80% effaced. She was very surprised since this is my first pregnancy and I wasn't d...
I was diagnosed with multiple sclorosis about 8 months ago, i lost the feeling of my legs and was put in a wheelchair for 4 months, i am ok now but was wondering if i...
It's been almost 5 years(Dec 21) since my last child. I'm now expecting again(unplanned) and due Nov 29th. All my kids have been small, the first 6'8" and 1 week earl...
Hi Moms! I just left my docs office after having a third ultra sound for my second pregnancy. The first untrasound was at 18 weeks, second at 30 and third at 33. Th...
Hello, I'm about 5-6 weeks pregnant with my third child and this is the first pregnancy where I've had morning sickness. Well, I feel bad calling it morning sicknes...
I am 33 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child and the baby is breech. I haven't had a c-section before and don't particularly want one this time. My dr. asked me if the ...